Patti-Ann embarked on her acupuncture career after Chinese Medicine made a huge impact on her life. It was a long-term dream that ended up happening very quickly and she graduated from Grant MacEwan University in 2016. She interned under Son Duong and worked in Edmonton before opening her open practice in Hinton, AB.
She completed an internship in Hunan, China and spent several weeks in Nepal acting as a primary care responder. She loves the connection that comes from interacting with patients and is passionate about helping others achieve their goals, whether it be to heal from a physical injury, improve digestion, or enhance the quality of their life. She treats many ailments and particularly enjoys muscle-skeletal and mental-emotional health.
In her spare time she is happy to be doing yoga, Pilates, cross-country ski, paddle boarding, biking, and hiking, as well as spending time with loved ones.
Patti-Ann embarked on her acupuncture career after Chinese Medicine made a huge impact on her lif...
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After traveling to British Columbia in the winter of 2021 from her hometown of Milton, Ontario, Amanda knew she wanted to start her Osteopathic career in the mountains. Shortly after, in the spring of 2021, she packed her bags and made the big move with her dog, Rosie, and has never looked back. Not only is Amanda passionate about the outdoors and a lover of all things furry, she takes pride in her Osteopathic training and is very determined to take her skills and 8+ years of schooling to the table utilizing a principle based knowledge to guide her treatments. With the use of intricate palpation and a in depth knowledge of the body, Amanda strives to individualize assessment and treatments and works towards creating alignment within the entire body to allow self healing and self regulation, which is a key principle in her practice. This holistic, principle based mindset can help with acute and chronic pain, digestive issues, headaches, and overall wellness and mobility.
When Amanda is not practicing on the table, she is out learning the ropes of life in the mountains! Snowmobiling, hiking and spending time camping are just some of the things she has learned to love. She is fascinated in health and wellness, and strives to create a healthy balanced lifestyle.
After traveling to British Columbia in the winter of 2021 from her hometown of Milton, Ontario, A...
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